The Halfway Point

August 14, 2016
A.W. Tozer once wrote, "Eternity--Wherever my life starts, God was previous.  Whenever my life stops, God keeps going.  There is no beginning and there is no ending.  I cannot understand…

All Glory to God

August 7, 2016
No matter how much time we spend in prayer and in God's Word, we can only speculate about many of the circumstances in our lives.  Once in Heaven, we will…

The Exact Representation

July 31, 2016
Dianne Neal Matthews once wrote, "The Bible describes Jesus as an exact representation of the Father; the image of the invisible.  The Greek word is "charakter", indicating an impressed character…
Dianne Neal Matthews once wrote, "These days true Christians are called all sorts of unflattering names, some of them downright ugly.  But our concern should be with what kind of…

Rescue Operation

July 3, 2016
Dianne Neal Matthews once wrote, "Today, America is in a hostage situation.  Students no longer learn the true history of our country and the godly principles it was founded upon.…

On Acting Like Yourself

June 12, 2016
Just as a weakened immune system makes a person susceptible to infection, a weakened conscience leaves a person vulnerable to sin.  Paul told Timothy that some had shipwrecked their faith…